Smooth and Shines Skin Cause Fierce Sex Effect

Smooth and Shines Skin Cause Fierce Sex Effect - A healthy sex are known to have great benefits on overall health. Even sex has benefits in keeping the natural beauty of facial skin and provide solutions to some skin problems. Here are 8 benefits of sex that appears on the skin, among others:

1. More shining skin
Sex makes skin glow naturally because when someone is having sex, increasing blood circulation and helps to pump oxygen into the skin and make it brighter. It also helps eliminate toxins and can make more red lips fresh.

2. acne controlled
Just like exercise, sex can also reduce the levels of hormones that affect the growth of acne.

3. Free from age spots
Sex can boost the production of collagen which can inhibit the loosening of the facial skin and the appearance of age spots on the skin.

4. Avoid dry skin
With sex, oxygen can flow smoothly through the blood, prevents skin dryness and maintain skin's natural moisture.

5. prevent wrinkles
Increased collagen production because sex can help prevent the appearance of wrinkles or wrinkles on the face. Wrinkles on the face are formed faster if someone stress, use a face mask is not enough, be with a healthy sexual relationship.

6. Nails be strong
The same hormones that are released to make skin glow can also keep your nails strength, especially during pregnancy.

7. skin hydrated
This does not mean you can replace the need for drinking water to 8 glasses of water a day with sex, but sex can keep your skin from dehydration. Due to good blood circulation and efficiently circulate around the body can cause the natural moisture needed to keep skin healthy.

8. The pores of clean skin
By sweating during sex, will clean dirt and residual make-up that clogs the pores with a more natural way than by using facial cleansers that contain chemicals.

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