Confused Look Indigo Children, Parents think Mental disturbance

Who does not horrified when see odd shapes or shadows which is not common. But is experienced indigo children, children born with special abilities and talents. Unfortunately, parents who fear their children as it considers the ability of the disease. Indigo child does have some fairly strange abilities. No one can predict future events, see the past, do telepathy, to see ghosts sightings. Obviously ordinary people who feel at odds with the ability of indigo children shudder.

Because the majority of the people are the power holders, the indigo which is actually a minority considered strange. Even parents often assume a kind of indigo children abnormal hallucinations or worse, schizophrenia.

"Schizophrenia occurring in children under the age of 17 years is very rare. Jikalaupun there are children who have schizophrenia, the symptoms are usually serious and getting worse as adults

Schizophrenia is usually preceded by depression caused by stress or traumatic experiences. Children who are born with the ability to see or feel things that are out of reason certainly have not had all that experience hebohnya to trigger depression. Therefore, it could be the child does have the spiritual capacity or indigo.

Nonetheless, Freshealthy recognize that the ability called indigo is much made ambiguous by psychiatric disorders such as ADHD, autism, hallucinations, and even schizophrenia. Therefore, to determine a diagnosis or indigo child does not require a long process.

In indigo children, one of his trademark is to have high intelligence, so do not just rely on the ability of sight 'super' only. Indigo children can learn and develop the concept more quickly than children his age. But there is also a psychological disorder in children who resemble these characteristics.

"There is an autism disorder in which a child memilliki high intelligence, but less able to interact with the social environment. Disorder is called Asperger's syndrome. Yet the indigo children can develop normally good socialization skills. Therefore indigo children with Asperger's need to be distinguished, '

Some also considered the ability of children beyond reason is the result of childhood imagination. Children's imaginations are rich fantasy blamed for the emergence of a unique vision and unusual.

Dr added any capabilities of children, parents should not rush to label his illness. If finding odd things to his son, parents should see a psychiatrist rushed the child to get a clear diagnosis and good treatment early.

"Antipsychotic medications can usually relieve the symptoms of hallucinations. If after taking these strange visions then be lost, it could be possible cause of schizophrenia. Noteworthy is how the child is not too cool with his own world,