Men may do more stroke risk factors than women such as smoking, drinking alcohol and rarely exercise. But in reality, cases of stroke is more common in women with a greater risk of up to 2-fold. Risk factors in women may be as complications of pregnancy, such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, use of birth control pills, and even new research suggests depression may increase the risk of stroke in women by 70 percent compared to men who are also depressed.
1. Walk about 20 minutes a day
Do not rely too much on the vehicle every day and take time to walk about 20 minutes per day. Total running time to 2 hours a week can reduce the risk of stroke by 30 percent, according to a study of 40,000 women has been done for 12 years of the study period. Brisk walking can also reduce the likelihood of stroke by nearly 40 percent.
2. Recognize the signs of stress early
According to a study of 80,000 women, depression may increase the risk of stroke by 29 percent. Women who are depressed tend to unhealthy habits such as overeating, smoking and lack of exercise.
In addition, depression increases the risk of uncontrolled medical problems, like high blood pressure and diabetes, which can also increase the risk of stroke. Recognize the symptoms of depression earlier to get the right treatment.
3. Sleep for 7 hours
Going to sleep over at 10pm and get up early to go to work can increase the risk of stroke by 63 percent. Studies show a person two times more likely to develop metabolic syndrome, a condition that increases the risk of stroke health, as well as heart disease and diabetes if sleep less than 7 hours per day.
4. Cooking with olive oil
Olive oil has been shown to lower the risk of heart attack and new research suggests it also may protect against stroke. A study in France to 7600 adults aged over 65 years, found that those who regularly used olive oil reduces the risk of stroke by 40 percent.
Use healthy oils for baking, frying, and sautéing food or pour a few drops into the salad in order to get the health benefits of olive oil to prevent stroke.
5. Relieve migraine the natural way
Migraine is most common in women, so it seems to be associated with a higher risk of stroke than men. The reason is hormonal fluctuations and consumption of drugs to ease it may increase the risk. So overcome migraine with a more natural way such as through consumption of food or stress management.
6. Watch your heart rate
Such as abnormal heart rhythms accompanied by shortness of breath and mild chest pain may be a sign of atrial fibrillation (AF), which increases the risk of stroke by about 5-fold. If your heart rate showed signs of abnormal, immediately consult a doctor to get the proper medication and to reduce the risk.
7. Eating sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes, raisins and bananas are full of potassium, and a diet of foods rich in these nutrients may reduce the risk of stroke by 20 percent.
8. Managing emotions
A recent study published in the journal Hypertension suggests that an irritable and aggressive may be at higher risk of stroke.
Researchers found that people who scored high for antagonistic properties in a standard personality test had a thickening of the neck arteries are larger than a more patient person. Thickening of the neck arteries is a risk factor for stroke.
Such as abnormal heart rhythms accompanied by shortness of breath and mild chest pain may be a sign of atrial fibrillation (AF), which increases the risk of stroke by about 5-fold. If your heart rate showed signs of abnormal, immediately consult a doctor to get the proper medication and to reduce the risk.
7. Eating sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes, raisins and bananas are full of potassium, and a diet of foods rich in these nutrients may reduce the risk of stroke by 20 percent.
8. Managing emotions
A recent study published in the journal Hypertension suggests that an irritable and aggressive may be at higher risk of stroke.
Researchers found that people who scored high for antagonistic properties in a standard personality test had a thickening of the neck arteries are larger than a more patient person. Thickening of the neck arteries is a risk factor for stroke.