7 Strategies Strange Diet that Successfully Proven

7 Strategies Strange diet that But Successfully Proven-There are so many diet methods offered to lose weight from eating small portions frequently, being vegetarian and exercising. But some unusual way done was also shown to effectively lose weight.

The following is 7 strategies strange diet is proven to successfully lose weight:

1. Drinking olive oil
Diet by drinking olive oil spearheaded by Seth Roberts, PhD, a professor psiokologi in his book The Shangri-La Diet. Many people do not believe him, but Roberts was able to prove the success of the method.

In the book The Shangri-La Diet, weight loss can be done by drinking 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil twice a day between meals. According to Roberts, this is a bland taste in olive oil can limit your appetite and lose weight without much effort on a diet of food restriction.
2. Adding spices spicy
Adding a variety of flavorful spices into your cooking can help you control portions and lose weight. Research shows that people will eat less when food has a foreign flavor or spicy.

The more spices are mixed into the food, the food will be the richer flavor and strangeness may not too familiar on the tongue, so you eat less. Traditional spices that are often used as spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, and cumin.

3. Do not eat snacks at all
This method may be surprising because given the concept of the popular diet by eating small meals as much as 5 to 6 times a day. But according to scientists constantly snacking, may make you not realize how many calories you take.

So this diet method prohibits all forms of snacks, even candy though. You do not have to worry about the mess the body's metabolic system because someone is strong enough to not eat snacks quite some time.

4. Eating candy while cooking
Appetite to increase after he repeatedly sample the food when cooking. To overcome this, someone suggested to eat candy with a strong flavor like mint, cinnamon, or acid when cooking to reduce the desire to taste the food.

5. closing the nose
Everyone knows that the smell of food gives a major role to the desire to taste the food, so cover your nose every time you walk through your favorite restaurant to reduce the temptation that comes from the smell of food.

6. One meal a day
Fasting is known to be beneficial to health because it increases the immunity, accelerate metabolism, better insulin sensitivity, lower the risk of cancer, and of course, weight loss.

Some people choose how to eat calorie-dense foods once a day, although this method sounds hard but really able to lose weight quickly.

7. Breakfast pastries
Eating cake when breakfast is probably the worst diet advice ever, but the researchers said that eating cake when breakfast can curb the desire to eat a sweet dessert of the day or night.